Thanks for this timely word. We are so primed to see this text as something from nothing that we miss order from chaos. These times definitely feel chaotic, and it is heartening to know that chaos isn’t too much for God.

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Chaos might even be God’s best canvas.

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I never knew this (from the Anabpatist article)... "To complete my seminary studies, I turned in a project on how digital communities were reshaping society and how the church needed to take that seriously." It's so cool how God was planting that seed just a few years before.

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I love the thoughts that were on the cutting room floor.

As chaos looms, holding on to hope is challenging to say the least. I never thought I would hear the US president-elect contemplate annexing Canada because we are rich in resources that he would like to exploit.

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He just be sayin stuff. He’s the diversion.

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Did my Christmas card hit your mailbox yet?

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Oh wow! I hadn’t been checking. It did! Thank you!!!

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The two of us seem to have an uncanny tendency to reflect on the same things in different ways at the same time without knowing the other one is doing it. 😄 And I love it.

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